
Why do People Lose Interest in their Spouse after a Couple of Years In Marriage?

  In life, one thing has always been said to remain constant and that is CHANGE. We all start out doing something, but we don’t remain the same as we progress. The one thing that happens in the process is change. You are either changing for good as a result of the positive influence whatever you are experiencing is having on you or you are changing for worse for whatever reason that might be. In all, we change at some point. In marriage, when you first start, the feeling of the newness of marriage takes you through the first few months. Some people still don’t even make it past the first few months before dissolving the marriage. But for those who stay for those few months, you understand what I mean by “the newness of the marriage.” At some point, you both get relaxed towards each other and stop making real efforts to please each other like you once used to, because the actions are getting too repetitive and that can get tiring for a lot of people. So, what happens at this p...

Tricks That Can Help Put Your Baby to Sleep (A Personal Experience)

  Diary of a first time Dad I’ve been thinking about how to start this article to the point the time used for thinking is far more than the time used for writing it. So here I go, I am starting. Whew! So, I had an experience as a first-time dad and I thought it would be good to share it with every other dad who probably doesn’t know how it works to be a first-time dad like me. One of my greatest strength is my keen eye for catching details and good observation skill. I guess I can say that I have a superpower and it is observing and learning from everything around me and as such, I am able to adjust to seemingly tough situations faster than most. I’m proud to say that I have been able to bag more nights of longer hours of sweet sleep just because of being observant. Please note that this trick doesn’t get you the whole night of sleep. Especially if your baby is not up to a year old yet. So, scratch that off your brain biko. There is no way your baby is letting you sleep the...

How to Become a Better Husband and Father In 2021

First, you need to know that being married is not a walk in the park...You are in a whole different situation than you think. There is a lot of work that goes into successful marriages and yours, hopefully, will be one of them, since you are already making effort in getting better by reading this article right now. I have learned a couple of things and can't start to boast that I know it all, but I can definitely say that if you try these few tips I have for you, your marriage will be better. Please note that this is all from my personal experience and might not work for your marriage as every person is unique and interpret circumstances differently due to several factors involved. But don't be afraid to try them out because you never know which one might work. In your journey to becoming a better husband and Father, here are nine (9) tips that would help you, if you choose to try them: 1. Always think about your family (wife and child(ren)) This is where it all star...

How To Survive Through Stress

Photo Credit: Stress! What a word. As short as it sounds with only six letters spelling it, this simple but yet complicated word has cunningly found its way into our everyday vocabulary. We find ourselves saying it almost all the time without always really feeling the stress symptoms. I’m sure you will agree with me on that. I know stress may have become a household name we all use. As much as we know how to use this word and actually feel the pain of this unwanted but regular phenomenon, how many people really know how to put a handle on it? Not many I guess, that is why you are probably reading this right now. My intention is to actually reveal to you my personal methods of surviving stress when it comes.

Why and How People Lose Weight Intentionally and Unintentionally

Photo Credit: The entire reduction of the human body mass can either be caused by dehydration which is loss of fluid or it could be loss of fat, some connective tissues which is generally referred to as weight loss. Weight loss can happen intentionally which is the conscious effort of the person involved to shed some extra fat or unintentionally which is usually as a result of any underlying disease. You are losing weight right now, it's either you know why and how this is happening to your body or you don't. Well, if you are interested in finding out why and how this is happening to you, then you might want to read on because you will definitely find out.

Welcome to a Journey of Knowledge

Photo Credit: To all the eyes reading this post right now, I want to specially welcome you to this special blog of mine. I know I just called it mine but in time you will understand why that expression was used. Just like the image you are looking at, at the top of this post, this is a new day for a new blog such as this one and to truly describe what feeling filled my heart when the idea for it came, I just had to get an image that shows it. and what this image stand for is just to welcome you to a new day for a new beginning or start (which ever word you prefer to use). So join me lets start a new journey together as we explore all areas of life on how you can get things done. This blog is solely meant to teach you simple and straight to the point steps on how you can get anything you desire done. I know you may want to ask, are there no other websites or blog already doing this? well my answer to you is to hang on and you will be blown ...